BIG 2GO Journals

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Team Well-being

Check-in Authentically

The old adage, “leave your personal life at home” is officially outdated. During Zoom meetings, I ask my team how things are going. They smile,

Organizational Well-being

Allyship & Awareness Guide (PDF)

By introducing and integrating practices daily to empathize with the needs and intersectionalities of fellow colleagues, customers, and communities, we become better leaders. We provide

Leader Well-being

Own the Gift, It’s Your Life

Every human is gifted with a life of their own. Unfortunately, not every human knows their life is a gift they own. Ownership is often defined as, both the act and acknowledgment of “having full claim, authority, power, dominion.”

Leader Well-being

Life Stretches

Have you ever played with a rubber band? Stretching it to feel the tension and resistance between snapping back or expanding. This subtle and playful exercise with a rubber band gives us a view on the act of stretching.

Leader Well-being

Waking Moments

Do you recall your life’s waking moment(s)? Not an awakening from sleep, but that of rising above a major life circumstance, crisis, or challenge. This is the moment when your mind’s eye opens and receives perspective about the path ahead.